Sabre & Excalibur - Touch Generation and Peal Proving Software


Sabre - Composition Generation

Excalibur - Peal Proving



Ringing Roadshow 2008

Website Design by
Updated 21/03/2008

Excalibur - Methods & Library Files

Excalibur will support almost all methods that have been rung, from Doubles to Thirty in. The common ones are defined internally within Excalibur, or you can use methods from the popular microSIRIL library files which are included. The methods from these libraries can be extracted and the place notation automatically pasted into the composition for you to use. Simply select the library file you wish to use, select the required methods and add them to the composition edit window.

Alternatively, you can define a  method  with simple place notation. Enter the name of the method and splicing abbreviation  in the composition file, followed by the place notation. You can define the place notations for the Plain Lead, Bob Lead, Single Lead and Extreme Lead, plus calls at w, x, y and z. Excalibur also accepts calls defined at the half lead if these are required.

Up to 200 methods per composition can be defined in this way. Asymmetric methods can be defined by using a '+' at the start of the place notation. The call portion of the definition can be as long as is required. For really odd methods, the place notation can be started with a call, or from any position in the place notation required.